Saturday, April 28, 2012

The most obvious scientific discoveries of 2011

The well-known scientific publication LiveScience published list of the most obvious scientific discoveries expiring in 2011.

a. Unsafe sex is more likely to excite.
Excessive alcohol consumption disrupts the decision-making. Canadian scientists announced a review of 12 studies that focus on the relationship between amount of alcohol in the blood and consent to the use of a condom. What a drunken man, the greater the likelihood that he ponadeetsya at random. Increasing the alcohol content of 0.1 mg / ml increases the chances of unprotected sex by 5%.
2. Men seem to be more confident when suppress the fear, pain and empathy.
3. Driving intoxicated increases the risk of accidents.
The researchers explain in the journal Epidemiologic Reviews the obvious - the use of marijuana increases the risk of automobile accidents. People who find themselves on the road for three hours after consumption of marijuana, as well as those who showed positive for the drug in more than two times more often than other drivers got in a car accident.
4. Pigs love dirt.
It turns out that pigs do not do it for show. They really like it! . A new study has put forward the hypothesis that this is a sign of prosperity: lying in a pool, so you have all the good. Well, how else can one explain the fact that in winter they also do it!.
5. Fashion magazines are praising the youth.
As you know, ... Young celebrities and models dominate even in those publications that are targeted at an older age group. In the Journal of Aging Studies researchers reported that 22% of readership base Essence over 50 years, but only 9 % of the women depicted in its pages, over forty. Well, for a Vogue in 2010 ventured only one ...
6. Generous partner - a happy marriage.
Creating a family with a generous person increases the chances for a happy marriage. National Marriage Project found that half of women and almost half ( 46% ) of men who think their spouses generous than average, call themselves ... And only 14 % of people who are lucky enough to associate life with a miser, they said the same thing.
7. Parents do not believe that their children - drug addicts.
A survey conducted by the University of Michigan, showed that most parents believed that at least 60% of tenth drink alcohol, but only 10% of the suspect in the children of their own.
8. People do not do anything on the Internet individual.
According to the report of the Pew Research, 53% of Internet users 18-29 access the Internet at least once a day just to pass the time. They were joined by more than 58% of respectable age slackers.
9. Restricted driving licenses reduce teenage deaths.
Differential driver's license, which provide young people greater freedom behind the wheel as they gain experience, save young lives. Experts from the Institute for Research and Evaluation concluded that the fatal car crashes involving 16 - and 17 -year-olds decreased by 8-14% in states that have established such a system. Restrictions on such things as the number of passengers and nighttime driving, has reduced the number of fatal accidents by 13 % and 9 % respectively.
10. Most buyers are ignoring the information on the composition of food.
Suddenly it became clear that even consumers who claim that they ... During the experiment, the scientists have traced the direction of gaze of volunteers and found that only 1% looked for information on the total fat content, trans fats and sugar, as well as the size of portions. However, 20-31 % of each group said that all the studied carefully. In fact, the average man in the street stops at the fifth line of the label.
11. Presidents live longer than his contemporaries.
American presidents tend to live longer than their peers. Of course, just stay on the hot seat - is a huge stress, but it turns out, the presidency and give so little benefits - for example, the highest quality medical care. And the heads of state are generally good condition and proper education, says study author Jay Olshansky of the University of Illinois.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

3D- projection Sony's home for $ 10,000

The huge media attention and user devices to three-dimensional visualization (. 3D- printers. , 3D- TV, etc. Dr.. ) Touched and video projectors - the basic units for building home theater hi-end class. It is only the projector can generate an image with a diagonal, which never will overcome any TV.

new. projector. Sony VPL-VW90ES targeted for use with home theaters cost of a car. Its price is about $ 10,000, and comes complete with a pair of 3D-glasses, without which the views of three-dimensional video series is not possible. Glasses and operate the projector at a frequency of 240 Hz. The projector, of course, can be used in conventional 2D- mode, there is not enough three-dimensional content. Lamp unit give a picture of a 1000 lumens brightness and supports dynamic contrast ratio 000:1 150. Interested novelty can book a flight to New York. It should be cheaper than waiting for the supply and prices of imported equipment.

Source: Sony. com.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kyshtym enlonavt

And the global terror occurred in 1957 when the next Kyshtym pulled a secret nuclear plant for the production of weapons, killing people over Chernobyl. And kyshtymtsy carefully advised me, a visiting person, do not take their example - do not swim in the local blindingly clear lakes, not to eat local vegetables, do not kiss the local women: ... And what are we?.

We are accustomed, it.

Perhaps, that nuclear disaster is directly related to our business, which really is time to start talking. so.

House solitary fifty citizen Prosvirin Tamara is on the outskirts of the village on the outskirts of kaolin Kyshtym - near the old cemetery, gloomy overgrown with dense forest. Location, of course, joyless. One night during a heavy thunderstorm in the house Tamara suddenly heard the call of an otherworldly voice, ordered the woman to immediately go to the cemetery. Wrapped in a cloak and crossed himself three times, Tamara stepped into the roaring hell infested lightning night. Having strayed from the kerosene lantern among the graves, she suddenly saw something of what has come - right on the woman peeped out of the thick grass you have huge eyes swelling gnomopodobnoe low creature, as if crying for help. Tamara, again obeying the dictates from above, took the creature in his arms and carried him home.

- Approximately one month after the case - says daughter in law Tamara - I went to visit my mother in law. We sit, talk 're suddenly Tamara says to me: ' And I have lived here a little Alexis '. I did not understand anything, and she invited me into another room and shows. I looked like I was frightened: a child not a child, an animal not an animal, but the spitting image of a humanoid, what the pictures depict. The growth of forty centimeters. The forehead is huge, and almost no chin. Tremendous enormous eyes, and white as if liquid.

When he puts his head on the back of his head, his eyes as if inside the fail. no ears. The body is full and you can tell, transparent matte, the white screen is included TV. No genital. And there's even a belly button. The hands and feet do not look like human, and enormously long claws instead of fingers. I ask: what do you feed him? . I was terrified, and I quickly went home.

Shortly after the visit from in law Tamara happened raving madness. Doctors barely caught her on the street and sent to psychiatric hospital. Daughter in law, shaken by a succession of events, trying not to think about what he has seen and avoided home -in-law far side.

Probably because no one would have learned about the strange occurrence, but one day the following happened. Kyshtym police investigator Captain Eugene Mokichev made ​​the case for some Nurtdinova citizen, kidnapped from the state of the copper wire hank. He called the investigator Nurtdinova for questioning, and after they went on nurtdinovskom motorcycle at the crime scene. Sincerely wanting to distract the investigator from the sad thoughts of the crime, defendant offered to call to his home where he will captain is on the background of what a pitiful reel wire intelligent people in general say unethical. ' What is he still a steal? .

House NURTDINOV artistically opened a refrigerator, edible debris scraped away and triumphantly pulled shrunken mummy -like humanoids, the captain of the type which is really just forgot about the stolen wire.

This is an alien body - said conspiratorially NURTDINOV.

Mokichev investigator suggested that this was supposed to happen once, as he watched the UFO over Kyshtym almost ten times as much in the stories of eyewitnesses about aliens such passions ponaslyshalsya. ,. Recently, a citizen of the excitement brought to the police shot: pictures of my daughter in the apartment, but on the positive in addition to it, clearly there were two ghost.

In the hotel reception ' Malachite ' to the question about the purpose of travel, I answered honestly: ... Registrar Nina Dmitrievna understandingly nodded to the fact, and aware of the seriousness of the moment, carefully recorded in the ' goal ' - ' Business '.

In the evening, Nina Dmitrievna told me that creatures like humanoid Alexis, in the dense forests of Kyshtym than once dared. Evil, they usually do not cause, but the fear of catching the order. At the very Nina Dmitrievna last summer was such a case. ... And then about four o'clock in the morning, as dawn start, I suddenly feel like I was someone on the head with strokes. Really, I think Nick has come so early? . He sits, staring at me. I got out of bed, and he still sits. Went into another room, the door was locked, and only then I became scared. Nobody never told about, a few days later a neighbor came. We sat down with her in the kitchen, drinking tea, interpret the works in the house except for us, no one among us, and suddenly a sort of a loud male voice: ' Who are you talking? . The neighbor is now up to me or foot. I held various church ceremonies - yet, ugh - ugh, do not worry, many of us here have seen different wonders. They say it is all connected with the nuclear explosion '.

About miracles in Kyshtym talk casually and calmly. UFO for kyshtymtsev - almost as usual heavenly miracle, both for Muscovites rainbow. Fireballs and seen almost all of cymbals.

- When I first saw the UFO in the sky, - says the mayor Kyshtym Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shchekochikhin - then seriously interested in this phenomenon, began to collect information about them, trying to find a scientific approach. But, after reading ...

But back to humanoid mummies. This case began in earnest the other Kyshtym investigator Captain Vladimir Bendlin, coupled with local journalist Olga Rudakova. They have attracted an experienced pathologist Samoshkina Stanislaus, and he carefully examined the mummy, said: ... The head is assembled as a lily. Only four bones. The pelvis is more designed for walking horizontally on the back of baby hair. It would be nice to do an analysis of the DNA molecule, but it all does not scrape together the money Kyshtym '.

In his testimony, Captain Bendlin owner of the mummy lord NURTDINOV writing admitted that he had visited the apartment of de - mentally ill citizen Prosvirin at the request of her daughters- where and found a dead creature. Being NURTDINOV picked, dried in the sun, why 'it' in size shortened about one-third ( 25-30 cm), after the mummy kept in the refrigerator.

Personally, I find it hard to judge the reasonableness of actions Nurtdinova, but I have a suspicion that the humanoid broke the psyche not only of Tamara, which, alas, is not questioned. The mind just left it.

Soon, the investigator called Bendlin known in the Urals ufologshe Galina Semenkova. She rolled up in a trice Kyshtym two coolest brand new foreign cars, announced Kyshtym beau monde that she was recently on board the UFO and knows about the humanoids killed the whole truth. This, she says, a representative of Alpha - Centauri, misdirected to us for guidance navigation and power contacts. Exit code - Alpha 03 378. Head of Navigation Navy Captain FE.

I would very much like the captain of Bendlin meet with Captain FE, but as it turned out, only takes decent FE, which include, of course, and ufologist Semenkova. Mummy took Semenkova and all told to keep quiet to avoid anger on the part of Alpha Centauri.

Pragmatic language Kyshtym say, that Captain FE Semenkova probably already sold the mummy to the United States to the rescue and bought a solid mansion somewhere near Florida.

One consolation is that Alexis, according to local, not the humanoid vision to Kyshtym.

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Andrei Makarevich: I would like to bare feet people's eyes

The Central Election Commission released data on the income of the presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov. He was a supporter of the musician Andrei Makarevich tried to explain why these figures should not annoy the inhabitants of Russia.
According to the income statement, over the past four years, Prokhorov has earned more than 115 253 million rubles on his 28 accounts are more than five and a half billion rubles. Prokhorov, in particular, there is a plot of 229 sq.m., house of more than two thousand square meters in the suburbs, three apartments in Moscow ( the largest - 699 square meters). Yet it has four parking spaces in Moscow, but that machine, according to the Declaration, no.

The musician Andrei Makarevich, who was present at the meeting of public council at the oligarch, spoke about why he supports it, and why, in his view, it is impossible to use the word ' tycoon '.

- I know Mikhail Dmitrievich many years, and is close enough. I am very close to those ideas and plans that he's going to make. For example, do not go to the state machine, and from human. Respect for the man in this country has always desperately short of. In addition to the friendship I have always watched the way he does business. He has tremendous insight and a very unusual mind. For politics is very important and the quality of infrequent.

- How to react to your support of your colleagues Prokhorov and fans?.

- I have not conducted a poll among fans. I, frankly, it's not very interested in. And my colleagues refer to this as well, as I. supported by.

- Composition of the Community Council will have to change? .

- I'm not even sure I'm there formally enter. Now this is not the most important. Now the main thing - to help Mikhail Dmitrievich realize that the intended.

- You said that ' in our country do not like the rich, and believe that they stole money, but not always this stereotype works '. But this argument often and successfully used by opponents of Prokhorov's....

- And they have nothing else to use. It memorized the mantra that the oligarchs have stolen people's money. It's all tired and does not apply to Prokhorov.

- But he was involved in the mortgage auctions and building a system of doing business in Russia, most of which feature a soft, - the opacity.