Monday, April 16, 2012

Shrek the fourth

The plot is not new. You want something forbidden in exchange for the usual family values ​​and then terribly sorry for this. And, of course, in the end it turns out that all this is a bug, make-believe dream. Take the 'C remote control for life ' and other similar pictures.

Although, if you honestly say, none of the original plot for Shrek was not. The entire chip has always been charismatic characters and excellent gegah. So who exactly is this part of the film - you will not be disappointed. A great antagonist Tiller Shpiltshen. Excellent game of cat and sometimes a donkey. And of course the indefatigable simple Shrek. Cartoon turned out quite fun, not to regret the money spent.

3D sound around out there on the dvuhmerku, sometimes playing - when all the flies and spinning on the screen. So nothing special you will not see the vitality in a 3D no. About the special effects in the movie can not speak - he has a great special effect.

From what I can not get rid of it from the saturated film mylnosti. Silyus remember and come to a head just as those who ask him to lick ass.

Since the movie came out at once. But fans of Shrek is recommended for viewing. Definitely.

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