Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Compiled list of 10 most funny internet- shops

ChronoPay Processing Company presented top 10 most funny internet- shops of the Russian Federation and Europe for 2007. The selection criterion in the TOP - creative approach online merchant to the choice of product for the implementation of.

First place went to Switzerland online service blacksocks. com, is carrying out a subscription for clients. Fresh socks! . Now, postmen, except for the morning papers, the morning will bring, and socks.

Those who seek a rational approach, even to the mystical spheres of life, and is the owner of the WebMoney- certificate, for sure come in handy ' contract of sale of souls ' - a text file of 40 KB of internet- shops Parus. Novokuz. net.

Offer to purchase and younger friends - just not getting up from the chair. Internet-shop Hebi. ru hamsters offers for New Year. However, now the site does not open in the browser - probably due to an influx of buyers.

Even in the rating included: online shop for African housewives, services, service magic and spells, shops psychedelic drugs, as well as tools for the cultivation of marijuana, a platform to find massage therapists MassageTraders. com, an online store teddy bears Hallmark, acting as a porn star.

Despite the comic, rating demonstrates that make the online trading can be even on the most funny, unusual and strange things. The main thing - to find their niche.
Oborot. ru.

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